Saturday, May 7, 2011

Good Bye School...Hello World!

Let me give you a little history of my long and tedious journey of what I will now refer to as "The University Years" or that expensive piece of paper that hangs on my wall.

I graduated from West Jordan High School in June of 2004.  I had already had one college class at this time, which marks SCHOOL #1: Salt Lake Community College.  I then enrolled in classes at SCHOOL #2 UVSC..aka UVU, for fall semester (where I met Tommy in the hall of fags..I mean fLags.) I am certain that the only reason I attended UVSC was to meet Tommy. I could only handle that place for one semester.

Then I took a semester off to Work at Zions Bank Call Center with Rach...Good Times.

In the fall of 2005 I decided to move to Cedar City, Utah where I enrolled in SCHOOL #3 at Southern Utah University. There I roomed with Rachel in a house that had 11 girls total and 2 bathrooms.  There was some fun and dramatic times in that house... a few issues with the temperature and a few choice words. All in all a great experience and I was there for a total of 1 year.

Then I decided to enter into the world of Title and Real Estate in fall of 2006. I still only had 1.5 years of college under my belt. I worked for a title company from fall 2006-spring 2008. I took two classes total over those few years at School #4...the University of Utah.

I then decided to go sell security systems in the ghetto's of Tucson and Phoenix Arizona. This section of my life will be saved for a different time and it deserves an entire post to itself.

In the Fall of 2008 I decided to really buckle down and finish my degree. I enrolled in classes full-time from fall 2008-spring 2011.

So after hundreds of hours of studying, thousands of dollars on books and tuition and after attending most of the colleges in the state of Utah. I graduated from the University of Utah yesterday and I am THRILLED...needless to say so are Tommy and my parents and his parents. It's a CHRISTMAS MIRACLE!


  1. I attended almost every school in Utah too. Just wanted to check out all my guy options. Ha. Congrats again on graduation. That's awesome!

  2. So disappointed you didn't give USU a chance... ha ha jk! Congrats that is a BIG accomplishment!! :)

  3. I have to say Laura...I thought I had gone to a lot of schools but you out numbered me!! I was UVCC...aka UVSC aka UVU, then USU, and finally SUU. ;) Congrats on your graduation!! It doesn't matter how it's done...what matters is that it's done. Love you sweet thing!
