Saturday, May 7, 2011

Baby Oh Baby!

If anyone knows me very well at all then they know that I LOVE ME SOME BABIES!
So when Tommy told me last year in July that he was ready to have a baby...I was shocked because he just had no interest in the idea before then.
So every month when that lovely terrible mother nature called...I was ticked. But everyone just kept saying "Be Patient." Yeah that didn't help, it usually just ticked me off royally and I would come back with some smart comment in retaliation.
When December rolled around I knew that it was time I just knew it. But, when I took that darn expensive pregnancy test and it came back negative I had a total melt down. That very day I received a call from my Communication Advisor from the UofU.  He had to let me know that one of my classes from SUU did not count anymore and that I would have to take an additional 5 credit hours in Spring semester in order to graduate.  It was a rough day to say the least.

I decided that there was nothing that I could do to change either of the bad news that I had heard except for my attitude.  I decided to register for 18 credit hours and quit worrying about not being pregnant. (For those women who have struggled to get pregnant or have never been able to have children...I admire you and pray for you and can't imagine what you are or have gone through. I am now embarrassed for ever complaining about not getting pregnant.)

But in January of 2011, Tommy took me on a cruise for my birthday with our friends Curt and Kelsie Neider. It must have been something in the water because on February 15th I took a pregnancy test and sure enough that second pink line showed up and I was shocked. Just too make sure like every other girl that has ever discovered she was pregnant...I ran to the store and bought the expensive kind. You know the ones I'm talking about...They clearly say PREGNANT or NOT PREGNANT.
And sure enough my eggo was Preggo.

I came up with a way to tell Tommy Boy and it was genius and he was going to be so excited and start screaming because that is what he does when he is excited.So I found his t-shirt that has a baby wearing sunglasses and sitting in a baby bjorn just like in the movie The Hangover, and I typed up a cute note that said this shirt will help you practice for the next 9 months and I put the pregnancy tests underneath. Creative right?  Oh you can bet that the exact opposite almost happened...the look of absolute shock and horror fell over Tommy's face almost instantly and he couldn't even eat dinner. I mean I cooked him dinner which is rare because I am never home and he was so freaked out he couldn't even it dinner.

This reaction did not bode well with me because I was like, "Hello we have been trying for 7 months, this shouldn't be a surprise."  But after some understanding on  my part I realized that indeed this is the reaction of many husbands and father's to be.  And they have an absolute right to feel this way I decided.  The pressure of them having to provide and work hard for not only a wife but now a baby and all the expenses that come along with a baby. And the worry about being a dad and being a good one at that.  It is overwhelming!!!
So, after a very a day or so Tommy was just as thrilled as I had hoped and now that's all we can talk about.

Tommy has been so awesome during my pregnancy, with cooked meals, treats for my lunches, adoring notes, new stroller,cleaned houses, surprise mother's day mani and pedi. I am the luckiest girl in the world to have a  husband who works so hard and treats me like gold.

On thursday we treated ourselves to a little early gender determination at Fetal Fotos because I was graduating and felt I deserved it.  And we even bet $20 bucks on the gender of the baby.  I was certain that it was a boy because my mom had boys and the McNeilis family was known for boys.  But Tommy knew it was a girl without a shadow of a doubt...sure enough he was right. We are having a BABY GIRL!!! Her name will be Lyla Jane McNeilis and she will be here in October.

*P.S. It really must have been in the water because Kelsie who was on the cruise with us is pregnant, Sarah is pregnant, Sniggadu is pregnant, our neighbor Carley is pregnant on top of 10 other people from our ward.  And all are due within days of our baby. SO EXCITING!!!


  1. Yay!! Welcome to the blogging world! I'm excited to have you. And what two great posts to start it off with.

  2. Were you going to tell me you started a blog? Lyla, Locke and Lily- that is going to be fun!

  3. welcome to blog land. LOVE the name lyla. love it. i'm excited for you. fun to read your story.
    and girl...never buy those expensive tests. dollar store all the way. that way you can get 10 if you need to. just passing along a tip i was grateful for years ago. ;)

  4. Not everyone... ha ha ha Cho, Meg and I are holding strong! Who will have the accident first you think?
