Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Draper Rodeo...

Draper always puts on a GREAT rodeo! Tommy and I went two years ago with some friends and during the Bull riding one of the bull's jumped the fence and smashed some metal stands. It was very entertaining to say the least...(nobody was hurt during the ordeal.)
But we were invited to go this year by our good friends the Handley's and we were just hoping for another exciting event with the bull's.
Todd and Emilee Handley invited us to their house before for a BBQ. We were in charge of bringing the chips & dip and the drink. Tommy had his heart set on a favorite of ours...


Here is the yummy recipe for those of you interested...
1 pomegranate
4 avocados
2 tomatoes
Juice from 1 lemon
1/2 Tbs coriander
1 tps cayenne pepper
1 Tbs kosher salt
*Enjoy with a bag of fritos...for some reason it tastes better with them.

Anyway...The reason I share this is because Tommy and I were rushing home from swimming at Marty and Kim's pool and Tommy told me he wanted to make the dip and I could go shower and get ready for the Rodeo. I came downstairs after getting ready to a very panicked husband. If you see in the instructions it says 1 Teaspoon of cayenne pepper...Tommy thought it said 1 Tablespoon..OOPS!! He was scraping out all that he could and luckily the pepper was mostly on the tomatoes. He was ready to throw it away and be done with it, but don't worry he saved it by adding some lemon juice and more tomato and TADA it was fixed and it tasted FANTASTIC! Great Job Tommy Boy!

After the dip ordeal we headed up to the Handley's for a BBQ and then off to the Rodeo.
We were lucky because the Handley's live just above the Rodeo grounds and so parking was easy as well as finding a seat because they had saved us seats that morning..WAHOO!
We had perfect seats...And Fun company...
Tommy Boy and LJ
 Boston and his cute date that had just torn her achilles tendon and boston carried her everywhere.
 Em with Savannah and Sheffner...Savannah NO BOYFRIENDS!
 Me with cute Emilee
 Todd and Tommy...They are so funny around each other...we tease them about being married to one another.
And our Friend Boston...Fanny pack and all!

We had such a great time and it just got Tommy and I really excited to travel to Florida with the Handley's in 1 week!
Oh and p.s. there was no crazy bull that jumped over the fence but to liven things up there was a Bull named Taboo that refused to get back into the coral...Tommy was rooting for him and even started a chant for Taboo that our entire section joined in with... haha love that Tommy boy!

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