Monday, June 27, 2011

Date Night...With Papa Gene and Mommy Pam!

It was Friday night and I was sitting at work, yet I had been mentally checked out since about Wednesday...(you would be to if you had my job,) when I get a call from my mom asking if Tommy and I can meet she and my dad for dinner at 6:30 at the District. I was so bummed because I had to decline the offer even though I was STARVING.
But moments later...the heavens opened and the stars aligned and there was nobody left to call for the night and it was 6:25. I was done with work for the week one half hour earlier than normal...this may seem small but, during those weeks that feel like they may never end this was a tender mercy as I like to call them. So I immediately called my mom and told her we were in and then called Tommy who was on his way home from a hard day of golfing at South Mountain and told him we were headed to....
I think Red Robin has good food... nothing amazing but I had been craving some fries and an Oreo Shake ALL DAY so this was PERFECT...their bottomless fries are so so good.
After enjoy a great meal and great mom and I headed into some of the stores to look around while my dad and Tommy waited patiently outside.
After browsing with my mom and getting a new maternity dress that was MUCH needed, Tommy said some of my favorite words...
Let's go to...
Tommy likes shopping and is really good at it...he can get sick of it really quickly, but no matter where we are he loves a good Nordstrom Rack outing. He probably doesn't love it as much as my sister-in-law Lindsey or niece Zoie, but he loves it and always finds an awesome deal!

It was such a fun date night and we love spending time with my parents who are always so much fun to hang out with and spend time with. We really are lucky to have them so close to us and be able to see them often and go out to dinner with them or go to dinner at their house or watch the Biggest Loser with them or go to movies with them or go on trips with them. Tommy and I talk often about how lucky we are to have such good relationships with both sets of parents. So thanks for inviting us to your date night Mommy Pam and Papa Gene! We LOVE YOU!

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