Tuesday, August 9, 2011

2 years Married...and 30 Weeks Pregnant!

Here is a re-cap of our year...

We were Lady Gaga and a Mexican for a night

We actually ventured out to a cold destination during winter time

We kept our tradition of a Cruise with friends for Laura's birthday and to escape the winter

I maintained the tradition of assuming a BATTLE WOUND while on vacation

We found out we were going to be parents

We spent the MAJORITY of our spring at Lacrosse games/practices/events

We gave a joint effort to get me graduated

We took a vacation to Cali for Tommy's Birthday...Shocker

We took a BabyMoon Trip to Walt Disney World

We celebrated our 2nd Anniversary and 30 weeks of Pregnancy 

I can't believe that we have been married for 2 years. It feels like time is going by SO fast! I feel so spoiled and lucky to have married such an amazing man who treats me like a QUEEN!!! We can't wait for the next chapter in our lives to begin! Who thought it was a good idea to let us be parents? Wish us luck!


  1. Hi Laura. You don't know me...I found your blog from a comment you left on All Things Thrifty. I saw your colorful kitchen chairs featured on her blog and I am doing the same project. I LOVE the colors you used for your chairs and was wondering if you could tell me which ones they were. They turned out so darling. Great job!
    I know this is totally random but I just love what you did. Thanks!!

  2. So how did you overcome the orange? I am working on it right now and it is doing all the things you said. It's AWFUL!
